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Record-breaking year for UK’s largest food waste collection company: Are you ready for the new food waste regulations in England?

In this issue of Healthcare Matters, we are delighted to showcase the multi-award-winning Keenan Recycling Ltd as our Waste & Recycling Company of the Year.

The UK care industry as a whole is bound by waste legislation such as the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005, placing a statutory duty of care on waste management and the classification, handling and disposal of all hazardous waste. In this article, we will learn how Keenan Recycling are helping the sector, alongside hospitals move towards greener food waste management.

Recycled food waste in the care sector
However, when it comes to recycled food waste, research from Keenan Recycling shows that care homes in particular are missing out on saving up to £7,000 a year. The DEFRA and Rural Affairs Environmental Act 2021 plans to make planned recycling food waste an imminent legal requirement in England, following success in Wales from April 2024 and Scotland since 2016.

A staggering 64% of UK care homes aren’t aware of this legislation and a further 48% don’t consider food waste a core priority. This is despite each care home spending on average £50,862 annually to send food waste to landfill rather than using a food waste recycling alternative service. Failure to comply with this landmark legislation could see care homes facing fixed-penalty fines of £300 upwards.

Care homes are expected to recycle separate food waste through a registered food waste carrier service for waste over 5kg as part of the changes, as a drive towards greater sustainability.

There are numerous benefits to recycling food waste such as creating natural forms of energy like biogas through anaerobic digestion. This is a fantastic alternative to fossil fuels and in agriculture, food waste can be converted into fertiliser for spreading on fields. For instance, just one caddy of food waste can generate power to a home for almost one hour and nine recycled banana peels can fully charge
a laptop.

One of the barriers to using a dedicated food waste recycling service is widespread fears about the upfront costs for investing in new bins, on-boarding new food waste providers and providing training for staff. In fact, care homes could save themselves thousands every year in the mid-long term through this initial investment.

Spotlight on Keenan Recycling
Multi-award-winning Keenan Recycling provides a leading food waste collection service for many sectors nationwide, alongside care homes such as restaurants, hotels, hospitals and prisons, in addition to local councils, brokers and managed companies. With over 20 years’ experience, the company is driving systemic change from needless food waste being sent to landfill.

All food waste is instead taken to anaerobic digestion plants for biogas conversion, leading to electricity, heat and transport biofuel.

With its headquarters in Aberdeen, the Scottish company has waste management solutions operating right across the whole of the UK from Swansea, Bath, to Sheffield and Glasgow. Keenan Recycling offers the following services to sectors:

  • Specialist 24/7 food waste collection vehicles
  • Eco-friendly food recycling bins – including kitchen caddy to 240-litre wheelie bin
  • Comprehensive waste audits
  • Bespoke waste disposal solutions, tailored to companies of all sizes
  • Customer portal to access all information, including waste transfer notes and weights
  • Cost-effective solution, tailored to company requirements.

Track record & record-breaking year
Keenan Recycling has an impressive track record, as the recipient of multiple awards over the years including the Northern Star Business Award and the Scottish Environment Business Awards.

This year to date, Keenan Recycling has already amassed the following impressive environment impact figures:

  • Food waste bins emptied: 571,969 lifts
  • Organic material recycled: 55,773 tonnes
  • CO2 saved for landfill: 38,539 tonnes
  • Energy generated by partners: 9.09GW

“The last 12 months have been a period of significant growth and achievement for Keenan Recycling. Despite the challenging economic climate, we’ve emerged stronger than ever, achieving record profits and solidifying our position as the UK’s largest food waste collection company.

We are delighted to report that sales have exceeded forecasts. This is due in part to the successful rollout of food waste regulations in Wales, which saw us add over 650 new sites in just six weeks. Additionally, we’ve experienced significant growth across all our depots, particularly in England where we’re well-positioned for upcoming regulations coming into effect in the next year.” elaborated Vinay Jalla, Marketing Manager, Keenan Recycling.

Time to celebrate
With expanding food waste expansion in Wales, Keenan Recycling has secured a new depot in South Wales to handle the increased demand from food waste regulations, helping companies become food-waste compliant.

With the UK Government’s Net Zero 2030 targets on the horizon, Keenan Recycling has invested £2 million in ten CNG trucks powered by biogas derived from food waste, as a major step towards this goal.

A record-breaking 84,000 tonnes of food waste was processed at the New Deer composting site alone, signalling a phenomenal year for this pioneering company.

Why choose Keenan Recycling?
Multi-award-winning Keenan Recycling offers comprehensive, bespoke food waste collection services, including compliant bins, regular collections, and accurate weight data analysis, coupled with a tangible commitment to sustainability through investments in CNG trucks and responsible waste processing.

With the largest network of depots across the UK executing convenient and reliable solutions, Keenan Recycling offers companies a flexible service to fit this around their busy daily schedules.

“We offer data-driven solutions that help clients optimise their food waste management and potentially reduce costs.”

“Our unwavering commitment to Net Zero and responsible waste processing aligns with our clients’ sustainability goals.”

“In the short-term, we are focused on seamlessly supporting our clients as new food waste regulations roll out in England and over the long-term, we remain committed to our Net Zero 2030 goal by expanding our CNG fleet and exploring further sustainable innovations.”

“We are incredibly honoured to be selected for this award. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team.”

“We are excited about the future of food waste management and our role in helping businesses and communities achieve their sustainability goals. This award motivates us to continue providing exceptional service and innovative solutions while minimising our environmental impact.”

For more information on initiating food waste collections and other services, contact Keenan Recycling today:
T 0800 644 6618