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Confident Competence: ‘Hold Fast, Stay True’

Confident Competence is a brand new, cutting-edge organisation that is changing the way competency is assessed across the breadth of the health and social care sector. The trailblazer behind this revolution in care is Paul Blane, who has a long and distinguished history within the care industry. From starting his career as a carer to founding one of the country’s top leading care organisations, Paul is CEO and founder of Care Business Associate Training, Care Business Associate Coaching, SVL Care Homes and Love & Care Community Care as well as newcomer, Confident Competence.

Paul has monitored the changes and trends that have affected the industry of social care. His new company, Confident Competence, has been designed by – and for – health and social care professionals. Assisting him, Paul’s Director of Operations of Confident Competence, Sophie Ebeling, has put her years of experience as a nurse and educator to excellent use by helping Paul realise his vision.

Confident Competence gives professionals in the health and social care industry the ability to accurately and authentically measure and monitor their team’s ability to reach and exceed competence targets. With ever-heightening scrutiny of the health and social care industry, it has never been more of a challenge to ensure that dedicated and improving compliance competency is achieved. With Confident Competence, that challenge can now be met.

However, this challenge cannot be underrated. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is intensifying its efforts to ensure what truly matters – safe, effective, and compassionate care for everyone. To achieve this ambitious goal by the end of 2025, the CQC is advising that gathering and acting on feedback has never been more critical. Real-time tools for collecting service user insights can help providers stay connected to needs while building trust through transparent communication.

The CQC is looking to use technology to improve better outcomes for service users. They advise that by investing in easy-to-use, integrated systems can reduce administrative burdens while improving oversight. Confident Competence does just this. It supplies a full competency library and assessment toolkit that, with a few taps, can reduce administrative issues and improve the consistency of care. Each assessment made is recorded on an online application that gives live data feedback and accurate reporting that shows the status of staff competency, knowledge, and confidence. This removes the need for paperwork, as implementation can take place with a tailored assessment framework with competency tracking across the organisation via a user-friendly interface.

The library that Confident Competence provides is essential for an organisation to remain compliant. It ensures that all current legislative, regulatory, and best practice standards are uploaded for easy access. Furthermore, custom competencies can be created, so any organisation can write a bespoke application or adapt one to suit individual needs. The library tracks all regulatory updates and guidance changes, which are then automatically updated to the user to create real-time compliance.

Confident Competence has created an innovative and fresh application that allows service users to remain at the peak of the care industry. Through remote access, Confident Competence creates a dynamic and flexible team that is available to customers across the country. Confident Competence is a ground-breaking solution that is the first of its kind – it’s a complete library of competencies and assessment tools available in one handy app.

In health and social care, there is a lot of investment in time and resources for staff training and it is in this setting that the application is now essential. Once trained, the health and social care industry will then retrain the same staff in the same content about subject matters that the staff are dealing with daily. This has become part of the embedded history and culture of the care industry, and training records are at the heart of the metric that gives Confident Competence the essential compliance data it requires.

Confident Competence focuses on the skills, knowledge, behaviours, and attitudes that demonstrate a person is competent to perform a task in authentic situations in the workplace. Confident Competence provides the tools so that the member of staff can be assessed while they are doing their real work with real people. This application, using the competency library, assessment tools, and reporting capability, creates a real-time interface that can pinpoint the individual specific training needs.

Confident Competence will work across all settings in health and social care: residential settings, care homes, domiciliary care services, services supporting children, and many more. Confident Competence is a totally new concept for health and social care, and the only way to get a real sense of what it can do and how it can transform quality assurance and compliance in an organisation is to see it in action.

The official launch date for Confident Competence will be at the UK Care Week at the NEC Birmingham from the 19th-20th March 2025. Confident Competence will be exhibiting with its sister company, Care Business Associate Training (CBAT). Whilst CBAT provides traditional health and social care training, Confident Competence will be presenting the newly launched application with the essential library and toolkit in a series of live demonstrations.

In 2023, Paul wrote an article regarding the challenges faced by the care industry in the time of COVID-19. He quoted ‘Hold Fast, Stay True,’ which is the mantra of the Navy Seals and how this phrase impacted his life. When the US Navy was faced with some of the most severe storms in history, the command from the Captain was for everyone to ‘hold fast,’ in other words, anchor yourself to something stable. The Captain, however, could not do so, as he had to guide the ship through the storms to safety, hence ‘stay true.’ Paul has now created his own storm within the care industry, and it is up to the industry to adapt to his vision to ‘stay true.’ With Paul at the helm of Confident Competence, the care industry will be guided to safety and compliance.

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