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Authorising Engineers for Healthcare

In this issue of Healthcare Matters, we are delighted to select DRLC Ltd as our Healthcare Authorising Engineer Company of the Month.The commemorative NHS book Celebrating 75 years of the National Health Service gave thanks to the many organisations that helped shape this fine institution. One of those mentioned was DRLC: a proud family-owned company providing authorising and regulatory compliance and consultancy services. The Sheffield-based company offers Authorising Engineer services to healthcare providers like the NHS across the following range of services:

  • Authorising Engineer: Fire Safety
  • Authorising Engineer: Critical Ventilation
  • Authorising Engineer: Water Safety
  • Authorising Engineer: Pressure Systems
  • Authorising Engineer: Medical Gases
  • Authorising Engineer: Confined Spaces

DRLC was established in 2016 by Managing Director: David Livingstone who has previous expertise as a Building Service Engineer in the NHS spanning thirty years.

After witnessing the devastating impact of hospital-associated infections such as MRSA and C. difficile, David wanted to make a difference and set up his own consultancy company to ensure Operating Theatres had access to ventilation to help prevent such infections. With the help of Director Louise Webb, also his partner of nearly 40 years and children Melissa and Hamish Livingstone, the company has gone from strength-to-strength in supporting critical ventilation for staff and patient safety.

The team at DRLC is made up of Chartered Engineers who are fellows of IHEEM, across ventilation and water safety, with the Fire Safety team comprising of ex-fire fighters and a Fire Engineer who belong to The Institution of Fire Engineers, and NAHFO respectively.

DRLC is an Approved Supplier to the NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) and ensures audits include an impartial, comprehensive review of management systems and procedures. They use a risk-based system to advise clients on the most important issues to be addressed following their Audits.

Action plans are produced using the audit conclusions and customers are supported with advice and guidance to implement any changes.

We spoke to Dr Louise Webb to find out more, “We run our office from Burton Street Foundation in Sheffield, alongside 14 other local businesses. Set up as a Community Benefit Society in 1998, the Foundation runs additional disability services, 35 charities and community groups from the premises.”

“We started out focusing on critical ventilation services, and over the last eight years have moved into the other services. With 90% of our healthcare services based in the NHS already, we are now looking to promote our water safety and medical gas services.”

“Looking to the future, we would like to provide a one-stop-shop, rather than separate consultancy. This will benefit our larger clients like the NHS by offering a streamlined service and single point of access.”

Harry Evans is the DRLC Authorising Engineer for water safety and is IHEEM registered. He has over 40 years’ experience of Estates and Maintenance Management and has spent the last twenty years specialising in healthcare and other sectors. Working as an independent professional advisor, Harry assists healthcare organisations in mitigating against the risks from exposure to microbiological bacteria in engineering systems. Through reviewing management systems, carrying out non-invasive audits of water systems and providing expert advice to hospital operational management teams.

“Our Authorising Engineer for medical gases has specialist knowledge of MGAS services to the NHS and other healthcare settings, in accordance with chapter 7 of HTM02-01, Medical Gas Pipeline Systems,” added Louise.

DRLC prides itself on running a professional consultancy service, with embedded integrity, expertise and client-focused accountability. David and Louise recently employed Gary Chu: a highly experienced Authorising Engineer from Hong Kong, with 25 years in engineering and specialises in HVAC systems. Gary (Hon Tat) Chu has just become a full member of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management (IHEEM).

“We additionally take great pride in employing staff in their 60’s and 70’s as many possess exceptional engineering skillsets. On the other end of the spectrum, we have a young apprentice providing digital marketing, we like to be age-inclusive across the board,” concluded Louise.

DRLC will be at Healthcare Estates: 8th-9th October 2024, Manchester Central. Louise will be giving a talk on ‘Technology and Innovation in Healthcare Ventilation.’

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